Glory Hole (1852-54) for Crown Window Glass Production
Image from: Photo taken during 1945-1946 demolition. It depicts the glory hole which is integral to the rectangular chimney shown on photos 7 and 8 (numbers 6 and 7 of this exhibition). The glory hole was originally built during 1852-1854 in conjunction with No12 house for making Crown window glass. A partially built protective wall was integral with the front wall, and the hole was used for heating the “piece” before the final spinning on the iron rod or punty which produced the finished item. The glory hole was coal fired and had incorporated at right angle to it a “bullion” hole for initial heating of the piece.
Image from: Chance Brothers Glassworks, Smethwick Slides. Broadfield House Glass Museum, Kingswinford, Dudley (Slide and Transcript no 6 by Arthur Reeves).
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