North East View of Warwick Castle in Warwick
Source: Samuel & Nathaniel Buck, Views of Ruins of Castles & Abbeys in England, Part 2, 1726-1739 (nd), Arts, Languages and Literature, Birmingham Central Library.
Text: Taken from the original source
George Duke of Clarence was made Governor of this Castle, at whose death it being Seized into the Kings hand, continued in the Crown till the 17. of Hen. VII. when Ednd: Belknap Esqr. of the Body to the King, was made Constable. In the first of Ednd: VI. John Dudley was advanced to be Earl of Warwick; but upon his attainer in the I. of 2. Mary, this Castle escheated to the Crown; yet through ye especial favour of 2. Eliz; Ambrose his son made Earl & Governor thereof; he dying without issue, it came again to the Crown and so continued till the 2nd year of K. James I; in which time it became very ruinous; but the K. bestowed it in fee upon Sr: Faulk Grevill Kt. who expended upwards of 20000 £ in repairs, which besides it’s pleasant situation on the Bank of the River Avon, commanding a delightfull prospect on every side, was accounted ye most princely seat in that part of the Kingdom. This Castle belongs to ye Ld. Brook.
S & N Buck Delin. et. Sculp. 1729
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