The Last Judgement
Image from: Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham
Based on images from the Book of Revelations, the window portrays the Last Judgement at the end of the world. The Archangel Michael, robed in red with powerful red wings sweeping from his right shoulder is depicted moving across the window blowing a long golden horn. Above him, clothed in white, Christ wears a green crown of thorns and a deep red halo.
Seated on a rainbow throne, he looks downward. One hand points upwards to heaven and the other to the rainbow, the symbol God’s covenant with Noah that he would never wipe out the population of the world again. Both of his hands show the stigmata, the wounds made by the nails that were driven into his palms.
Christ and Michael are framed by angels wearing red. They are distinguished by the different colours of their haloes and wings. One holds a golden key and a double chain which refers to binding of the dragon referred to in Revelations chapter 20 verse 1. Other angels hold the Book of Life and seven vials.
This dynamic image is separated from the lower portion of the window by buildings which fall in different directions.
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