Two Manufacturers, a School, an Engineer and an Inn near Birmingham
Five cards, engraved by J Gregory Hancock, portray different businesses:
Aldridge Boarding School for Young Ladies, Staffordshire run by Mr and Mrs Allport, Staffordshire. The school is shown in its rural setting. Books are strewn in the foreground in front of a globe.
Richard Hemming and Thomas Milward, Needle and Fish-Hook Manufacturer, Redditch, Worcestershire. The name of the business is presented as a classical monument surmounted by two urns.
Thomas Cartwright, Civil Engineer, King’s Norton, Worcestershire. A scroll containing the engineer’s name is set within a landscape representing the nature of his work: a bridge, canal and canal tunnel.
H Wright, White Lion Inn, Fazeley near Tamworth: “Fairs held there….Auctioneering etc.” The engraving contains an image of a lion and the dates of fairs.
Mary Willett’s and Son, Gun Makers, Wednesbury Forge, near Birmingham. The largest and most striking of the five cards shows emblems of war. On the left a forge is tended by a naked cherub, while a second beats his hammer on an anvil. A magazine of military ordnance radiates from a monument describing the details of the company. The owners are “Contractors to his Majesty’s Honourable Board of Ordnance”. A rural scene dominates the background to the right. A church, possibly Wednesbury Parish Church, sits upon a hill. Beneath, a hunter accompanied by his dog aims his gun.
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